Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

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Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported.
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Bed Bug Mattress Covers

Bed Bug Mattress Covers

Although it IS possible for bed bugs to go away on their own, it won't happen very often. Here are some possible reasons for a bed bug problem to disappear without human intervention:


If there are no sources of food for a long enough period of time, any creature will die. That goes for bedbugs, as well. It'll take nearly six months, though, when it comes to bed bugs. So if you, your family and your pets stay at grandma's house for six months the problem will probably be licked. Of course, staying at grandma's that long may bring on a whole new set of problems that we won't be touching on this website:) Bottom line: will bed bugs go away on their own? If they can't eat, they can't live.


If the inside of your home, and more specifically the center of your mattress, box spring, furniture, the wall voids, and anywhere else they are hiding, reach a temperature of 118 degrees for a minimum of 90 minutes the bed bugs will die. That doesn't usually happen naturally, hence the bed bug heat treatment that many pest control firms offer today. The down side is that some of your stuff could be damaged by the heat if not properly protected. Will bed bugs go away on their own? Basically - if you fry them, they won't be there!


Yes - bed bugs can freeze to death, too. At the 32 degrees freezing mark, it could takes weeks for them to all die. It takes days at zero or below, and just minutes at 30 below zero. They die off instantly at 80 below zero. Of course, it's not just your home being that cold that does the job. It must be that cold where the bed bugs actually live to do the job. So if you live in a cold, or maybe mountainous area, just leave the doors open? Will bed bugs go away on their own? They can be frozen to death just as they can be fried to death.

So - Will Bed Bugs Go Away On Their Own?

So, there you have it. You can stay away from home for a minimum of six months, heat the house up and possible damage your personal belongings, or freeze everything - including yourself - and the bed bugs will go away on their own.

We have a better idea: how about instead considering really good mattress protectors so that if you get them again, your bed is protected. They really do work and that peace of mind is priceless. And if you're at all worried that you may have been exposed to bedbugs, and bed bug monitoring stations (traps) are an great - and inexpensive - tool. bed bug sprays and bed bug kits are also available on this website.

Just click the Shop Now button.

Will Bed Bugs Go Away On Their Own

Will Bed Bugs Go Away On Their Own

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Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

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